Covid-19 Prevention

Take steps to protect yourself

Stay at home

Stay safe during the pandemic by following health guidelines. Stay at home, avoid socializing and wash your hands regularly. This will help reduce the burden on healthcare and lessen the spread of sickness.

Your actions affect others, so it’s important to do your part in ensuring everyone’s safety.

Cover cough & sneezes

Covering your coughs and sneezes can prevent the spread of Covid-19. Always cover your mouth and nose and use a tissue or the crook of your elbow. Keep tissues with you and dispose of them immediately. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after coughing or sneezing.

Encourage others to do the same to protect ourselves and our communities from Covid-19.

Quarantine if you think you've been exposed

If exposed to someone with COVID-19, quarantine immediately to prevent spreading the virus. Stay in a separate room, wear a mask around others, avoid sharing household items, and wash your hands regularly. Seek medical attention if you experience symptoms like fever, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Protect yourself and others by taking these precautions.

Wear a face mask

Wear a face mask to prevent the spread of Covid-19. It reduces respiratory droplets from entering the air and helps protect both the wearer and others. Wear masks around others outside of your household, especially indoors or when social distancing isn’t possible. Consistently wearing masks, along with hand hygiene and social distancing, can significantly reduce the transmission of Covid-19. Take this simple, important step to protect yourself and the community.

Clean & Disinfect

It’s highly recommended to perform frequent cleaning and disinfection of surfaces that are regularly touched using soap, water, and appropriate disinfectant solutions. It’s important to don gloves, practice thorough hand washing and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines as well. Places like schools, workplaces, and public areas require special attention as these can easily become hotspots for the virus. Ensuring regular sanitation is vital in preserving the well-being of our communities and abating the spread of Covid-19.

Protect yourself & others

Follow healthcare guidelines: wash hands for 20s, wear a mask in public, social distance 6ft, avoid big gatherings. If sick, stay home and seek help. Stay informed for updates. Be diligent and considerate.

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